Eye-movement tracking
Eye movements are rapid behaviors that can be used to pinpoint specific cognitive processing events and associated brain activity. In this way, experiments that utilize eye-movement tracking can provide detailed information on the relationship of behavior, cognition, and brain function. In addition to experiments that use eye-movement tracking with fMRI, we use this method in conjunction with iEEG to provide similarly high temporal resolution in measurement of behavior/cognition and brain activity. These experiments aim to identify detailed mechanisms of memory, such as the rapid interactions among cognitive processes and brain regions that occur over brief timescales during demands such as memory formation.
Read about our various findings on the Publications page or check out these representative studies:
Looking for the neural basis of memory
Rapid coordination of effective learning by the human hippocampus

Above: Eye movements to a complex visual stimulus along with the simultaneously recorded hippocampal theta oscillation. Theta changes immediately before and after a “revisit” occurs in the viewing pattern.